Wednesday, February 15, 2006

top word [aren't you lucky, two posts today!]

Miriam Webster's dictionary's top look up for 2005 is this word:
1. integrity

Pronunciation: in-'te-gr&-tE
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY
2 : an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS
synonym see HONESTY
Fascinating to know what's on people's minds these days.

Been thinking a lot about this word the last few weeks actually. Wrote a bit about this topic for a school leadership assignment, but aside from that, to me integrity means single-mindedness. Practicing what you preach basically.

I'm learning the value of meaning what you say and saying what you mean.



PakG1 said...

Hey, I'm STILL trying to figure that one out too! :)

Jane said...

Integrity. It's what you do when no one's lookin'.
Or as Justin would say, "It's smoking what you sell." (Oh wait, you weren't at that Christmas dinner were you? He was refering to Ak, describing him as a man of integrity - a man who smokes what he sells...)
You know...Walks the walk, not just talks the talk.

It's late. I'm babbling.
But I saw that you just commented on mine, so I have to even things up and comment on yours.
Those are the blogging rules.

I read the handbook.

shelaine said...

pakg1: it's daily learning. i make this post and then i do something "integrity-less" - I'm definitely in process.

jane: i heard him say it before! To me, he would say, i just smoke it... couz "then i get high..."

i think you MADE the handbook then. no one would comment on this site if they waited for me to comment. online, i'm a reader, not a commentator. in person, i'm a commentator that can't shut up and listen :)

Jane said...

Well, if I wrote the handbook, you did the cover design, cleaned up the layout in photoshop then arranged to get it printed.

What a team.

kerche said...

shelaine read my post! it's "urgent" :(