Sunday, July 30, 2006

august =

: heart2heart-ing with 'em girls
: candle-sticking
: reading

: coffeeing
: making legends
: sleepovers!

: reconnecting
: camping under the stars
: homeworking
: high tea-ing
: "clubbing"
: house-sitting
: watching my friend wedding-ing
: shopping with the fam
: celebrating birthday galores!

: physical activity-ing
: making plenty of friends. just
: personal time out-ing
: enjoying the Sun
: watching the puzzle continue to piece together... yay

unleashing advocacy again

Time to get back to my communications roots and make my SFU alma mater proud.

Reading the likes of Douglas Copeland, pop culture and social action works of art.

Taking part in advocacy for social issues and other public "stuff".

Housing the homeless, loving the unlovable, and defending the helpless...

I've allowed my brain to rust long enough... getting that advocate cap back on!

God, how do you want my August to look?

August: closing a chapter of purposeful fun and gearing up...

Game on!

'bout time!

Monday, July 24, 2006

weeding out of gardening


I'm definately a green one at it.
Some people have it planted within them, but for this gal, the seed just won't grow!

Was that corny? Didya get it? Tsk tsk. ;p


Really now, a few months back, I weeded a few sections of the garden. Crouched low and squated for hours with the sun scorching my sunscreenless face... Before this, the only weed I picked up was...uh... nevermind;p

I intended to plant my own garden this summer. People say, gardening can teach you a lot about life, right?

Ambitious, I bought a few seeds. We got tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers.

Then, the inevitable happened.

I lost interest.

It grew. Mum watered them. But the weeds grew too.

I look at them and have no desire nor ambition to weed them again.

Man... it's a drag.

Here I have my little plants... but I don't know which one's the weed and which one's the plant?

Dang weeds...

Did I learn anything about life?

No... I refuse to allow the weedy garden to teach me anything about daily maintenance... ok ok, sense the childish sarcasm...? Does this reflect my daily living... letting things slide till...

Anyhow, I did learn one thing though:

No more gardening for this chica.

I'm onto other forms of domestication.

Say, cross-dres.. I mean, cross-stitching?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Who will put me over the top?

I'm sitting on 999.

I have 999 unread emails in my hotmail inbox.

I'm sitting here awaiting that 1000th's email.

1796 in the inbox.

My hotmail account is for msn and for my subscription. Well, most of them. It's for my useless ones...

My gmail has my "useful" ones.

"Useful" or "useless" they receive the same treatment. They're all unread. Just that my "useful" ones have the "potential" to be read at a later date--then again the first unread "useful" email started back in June 2. We're talking 2005. It all started then...

Now my gmail has 414 unread emails.

1237 waiting to be sorted. I think I've sorted once since I opened the account.

My most used, home email account is the one I sort the most often.

Let's say we have our annual "sort" day in early January.

Meaning, I've got 2005 out of the way. Only 2006 sits in my inbox.

We have 2487 emails in my inbox... but I'm happy to report that they're all read!

Ok, that's a lie. They've all been opened.

My Arrow-work account, is quite "organized" because well, it's work! Let me check... I'd like to report that every email is read. And if it's junk mail, it gets immediately trashed.

There are... it doesn't report how many emails are in my inbox. But there are 51 pages of emails in my web outlook. Counting, it seems like there's 25 emails per pages... meaning... Hmm..

Don't roll your eyes.

All this to say I do read your email thoroughly though... ^_^


edit: oh, Danny-boy just put me over the top at 1000 unread... I wonder what it says...?

Thursday, July 13, 2006


This morning I wake up sore. Yep. Sore. My right shoulder, my neck...

Probably because I tried to fit into a one foot box.

Went to Science World yesterday with a friend. I've got my Passport Challenge, so I get to go to all these tourist destinations for free with a guest!

But boy oh boy, once we got in, it seemed like we were caught in a sidewalk sale at Metro--but for kids! They were running back and forth, all around. No wonder kids have short attention spans! This totally caters to the ADHD kid! So many things to try that you don't stay at one place for more than 3 minutes! Can you really learn something--'cause I don't see kids reading the sciencey blurbs...

Things I learned:
  • I'm over educated. Don't have the simplicity of mind to make these things work! As we were trying to figure out this one rifle game, a line-up growing by the minute developed behind us. We couldn't understand the game!
  • I can't wheel a wheelchair.
  • I'm apparently very stressed.
  • my attention span is perhaps only a little better than most!
  • and lastly... that I can't fit into a one foot box.
Either kids thought we weren't in line/were parents... 'cause they'd just budge in front of us! I think perhaps they thought we were part of the wall. As we did tower over them...

I did get a bit of satisfaction for beating this one budging, bratty, think-I'm-so-cool type kid in a challenge. Hah!

Tried to complete the day with astronaut ice cream... sold out.

What a day!

It was definitely worth the price of our admission... hehe...

Monday, July 10, 2006

i love my name...

Vietnamese boy finally bids farewell to his name of two decades of ridicule

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - A 19-year-old boy bids farewell to his weird name after nearly two decades of ridicule.

His father has agreed to change the son's name from "Fined Six Thousand and Five Hundred" - the amount he was forced to pay in local currency for ignoring Vietnam's two-child policy.

The son, now 19, is now Mai Hoang Long, which means "Golden Dragon."

Angry he was being fined for having a fifth child, Mai Xuan Can in 1987 named his son Mai Phat Sau Nghin Ruoi after the amount he was forced to pay the equivalent of 60 cents Cdn, said Dai Cuong village chief Nguyen Huy Thuong.

In 1999, local government officials tried to persuade Can to change the name because classmates constantly teased the boy at school in central Quang Nam province.

But Can, a former People's Committee official, refused to back down, Thuong said.

They appealled to him again recently, and this time it worked.

"I told him that as his son is growing up, he should have another name - not that weird name - and he finally agreed," Thuong said.

Vietnam, with a population of 83 million, applied tight family planning measures until recently to keep couples from having more than two children. Breaking the rules could have resulted in punishment. Today's policy is less stringent, though the government continues to encourage small families.

[found on]

Sunday, July 09, 2006

experimente el número uno

This week I'm trying a self-experiment...

It was birthed today while I was having a quiet little sit on my couch. Everything around me was silent. It was actually quite nice. I think I like these times of stillness--where it appears that my heart is moving faster than the world around me. In these times, I wait for truth to set,my heart to settle and the peace of God to anchor my soul. It's actually really nice.

Maybe I'll tell you how this first experiment went; just maybe you'll find yourself privileged enough to know =)

Bless you,

it's time to move

I think I need to move.

The last few days have been great. I loved waking up to sunshine. I'd wake up at ungodly hours of 6 or 7 am to begin my day and feel well-rested even if it was just one-hand worth of sleep. The sun would greet me with smiles as she shines so brightly in my room, which faces east.

So I think I need to move.

To where the sun always shines.

Maybe to Florida, where I can see 'tuzzi, or to Phoenix where Jovo is =)

Or maybe... [TBA...] =)