Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Who will put me over the top?

I'm sitting on 999.

I have 999 unread emails in my hotmail inbox.

I'm sitting here awaiting that 1000th's email.

1796 in the inbox.

My hotmail account is for msn and for my subscription. Well, most of them. It's for my useless ones...

My gmail has my "useful" ones.

"Useful" or "useless" they receive the same treatment. They're all unread. Just that my "useful" ones have the "potential" to be read at a later date--then again the first unread "useful" email started back in June 2. We're talking 2005. It all started then...

Now my gmail has 414 unread emails.

1237 waiting to be sorted. I think I've sorted once since I opened the account.

My most used, home email account is the one I sort the most often.

Let's say we have our annual "sort" day in early January.

Meaning, I've got 2005 out of the way. Only 2006 sits in my inbox.

We have 2487 emails in my inbox... but I'm happy to report that they're all read!

Ok, that's a lie. They've all been opened.

My Arrow-work account, is quite "organized" because well, it's work! Let me check... I'd like to report that every email is read. And if it's junk mail, it gets immediately trashed.

There are... it doesn't report how many emails are in my inbox. But there are 51 pages of emails in my web outlook. Counting, it seems like there's 25 emails per pages... meaning... Hmm..

Don't roll your eyes.

All this to say I do read your email thoroughly though... ^_^


edit: oh, Danny-boy just put me over the top at 1000 unread... I wonder what it says...?


Anonymous said...

i sure wish i was ur 1000th email! oh well, at least i'm the friend u've known the longest. no one can take that away!

shelaine said...

you never email that hotmail account bren! and if you did, it'd probably be a week before i respond! it's 1000 unopened emails!

anyhow.. yes, your "spot" in my life is irreplaceable! you were there at the very beginning and will stay till the very end, right? hahah ;)

you witnessed my...no, our, phase of "bossy" sisters(?) to my phase of shy-girl shels, and now we're all grown up! haha... well you are.. :)