Wednesday, June 28, 2006


So I sit in front of the computer after dinner, and my brother comes into the room and asks if I could go and wash the dishes. I know he's busy with schoolwork and I don't want my mom washing, so I said "ok, sure."

I walk out, to find the oddest thing: my mum and my brother, both nicely relaxed, eating dessert
while watching Chinese soaps!

Something didn't seem right here.

Me "slaving" away, washing dishes...

While my brother and mum watch Chinese soaps?

That's suppose to be me.........!


Queenie said...

One time when my sister was studying for her exams, she put a note on the fridge, with BIG words saying: "If you think you can, you can!" We thought that was an encouragement for us... but then as we looked closer, we saw a tiny line at the bottom: "Wash the dishes for me"...

kerche said...

teehee. which show was that?!

shelaine said...

that's hilarious queenie! i should use that one next time.. hmm.. i hope my brother doesn't read this!

kerche: it was the later one - the one set in old school china =) man, I don't even watch that show! he's like keepin up!