Friday, June 23, 2006

seasons change

Spring is for planting, summer is for growing, autumn is for the harvest, and winter is the time to let the soil rest.
How much I love it when seasons change.

Hello Summer.

Good bye Spring.

You came, stayed for a bit... but now, really.. it was time for you to go. You just weren't as advertised.

Summer... bring it on!

Love it already. Got a sunburn from biking downtown. Stood at a corner and people-watched for a bit. Everyone's got a place to go. You ever people-watch and wonder what's their story? Where are they heading? What do they do? Maybe I'm just nosy. Maybe this is just what the unemployed do because we have too much time on their hands...

Looking forward to a great season. I'd like to think I deserve one =)

Rid the cyncism, lower the sarcasm, lose some edginess, stop the skepticism and take Summer at face value...

Motivated to enjoy.

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