Thursday, April 13, 2006

the son will rise

"the sun will still rise tomorrow"

I was sitting.. no, that's a lie... I was sleeping in a cubicle in the school library about two weeks ago. The sun was shining through the window... the perfect atmosphere for a nice afternoon nap.

I fell asleep reading the Bible--now who hasn't done that?

Anyway, I had a dream and in that dream, I remember I was walking and talking to someone when they assured me that, "Everything can change in a day." After he said that I remember standing there, stunned, thinking, "Everything can change in a day."

At that moment [in my dream], I remembered that before I fell asleep, I was reading the Bible... and I was reading the end of Mark which talked about Jesus' death and resurrection... "Everything can change in a day" echoed in my head again.

Everything did change in a day.

On the day Christ rose from the dead, everything changed; history changed forever.

Perhaps this weekend, on your statuary holiday, it'd be a good time to consider why on earth you get a day off of work/school?

If you feel you've been dealt a bad hand, or things are crapola, know that the sun will still rise tomorrow, and everything can change in day...

May it be hope to your soul, life to your being and joy to your spirit,

And with that, I embark on a disappearance act. Later gators,


Transformational Business said...

Thanks for the word Chewy. I always knew your best work took place while snoozing away!

Miss Ya Love ya


shelaine said...

haha, you know me well =) drats... couldn't hook up while you were here! when's the next time?

Anonymous said...

hey girl,
glad to have found your blog. miss ya and love ya. we'll hang out in August....yesss, I get to home then, unless the Lord says no.
