Thursday, January 05, 2006

peek a boo, i see you

Can't hide.

I try, but it doesn't work.

Ever try to convince yourself that if you close your eyes tightly, you'll disappear and no one will be able to see you?

I have.

I still do...

Ignore it, and maybe no one will notice?

My "washroom quote" (right-hand panel) has come from one of my texts from last semester. The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. "Flight into the invisible is a denial of the call." In psychology, we learn about the "fight or flight" way of dealing with things. The last month I'd rather fly than fight. Yet everytime I open my blog, I am faced with the grim reality that flying is denying "the call."

In my life, that means denying everything that I've been made for. Which is precisely what I would do if I were to run away. Running from my destiny.

It's God's grace in my life that He never "leaves me alone." He's always standing at the door, gently knocking and waiting... hoping that I don't run, yet allowing me to do so if I so need.

That saying really is true: You can run, but you can't hide.

A song I heard yesterday had these words...

I made you as a queen. I made you to be seen...

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