Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The "C" word

Why do you come unsuspectingly?
Do you not know that you are an unwelcomed guest?
You come, stay, ravish one's body and soul...

Stripping a person of their joy,

Leaving but a shadow of the former self.

We pray for a miracle.

We ask for a sign.

We are polite.

But you are a stubborn one.

So now the digging will begin,

To excavate your roots,
Please don't stay,

Take all your little friends with you.

You might have taken my buddies,
But she...
She's a fighter, that li'l one.
With the fam together, the force is unstoppable.

With prayers lifted high,
Covered with love,
Bonded by one Spirit,
Our faith is in You.

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