Please note, I do have more than one shirt...
Beijing Tour...
You can come over and see the pictures... here's just a few.
Stayed at some hotel with hotsprings... and fish who eat the dead skin off your feet. Yeah, that's right. Yum.
Not complete without the Great Wall...
Hometown in "BoGut" and "SakBa"
I started counting... the Chu family, starting from my dad's generation down (four generations currently exist), have about 150 members. About 100 in China. Here are a few...
My "nephew" cutting and peeling sugar cane for his auntie (me) and uncle (Brad).
Lunch after sugarcane...
The centerpiece of meat is "dessert"
Please don't ask what it is... animal activist will be after me.
As Brad said... "And God declared that all was clean..."
Hong Kong...
My dad takes the cousins out to a bar ;)

The tough men. Hmmph!

Me and the HK girl cousins

Dad and I with new shades--totally Honger.

And the highlight? This little guy. My cousin's son. The guy never cries.
This guy is playing in my suitcase... with my femine products.
Mom's too happy... she's itching to be a grandmother. Hah!
So...when will I get to see your pictures? But just no "dessert" ones please! =\ Hm, I remember it took over a year for me to finally see your India photos! =P heh
continuing off the post from above ^
hey!! i never saw those india photos!! hahaha
but anyways, nice pics from your trip! looks fun :-)
your cousin's son is having a howling time in your suitcase.
tip to shels: plz cover up your feminine products. lol
Your trip is very reminiscent of the one that I took to china last year. ;) Totally know which dish you're talking about - could tell just by looking @ the bones. :O My fam had the same when we were in Guangzhou. :)
nanci: just wait a year then ;)
kerry: ooh... those pix are around ;) haha... ok ok, i'll keep what's suppose to be private, private!
y: uh.. who ARE you?!?! ;) yeah... only us chinese would know what i'm talking about... :)
Oops... sorry Shelaine. It's Yvonne. ;)
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