This paper was on L'Abri (see two post prior). I learned tons from just researching, reading and writing about the lives of Francis and Edith Schaeffer, who started L'Abri. It came out of just what they were doing. L'Abri was birthed out of their lives, not a "vision" that came during the night, or an idea that was hammered out, but it came from living LIFE.
They opened their home to others, their lifestyle was a demonstration of Jesus on earth, and everything... i mean everything was founded and had prayer apart of it. Nothing was done apart from prayer. Students would come into their home and stay for weeks on end to study with them... Their kids would be praying about everyone and everything. They were completely dependent on God for their "daily bread." And I'm not just talking about finances... their daily portion... daily joy, daily peace, daily satisfaction, daily relationships, just enough for the day. Not for tomorrow, but just enough for the day. Not hoarding for tomorrow, just need today's portion. Because tomorrow, we will ask again.
A New (Old) Prayer
Our Father in heaven
Hallowed be your name [on earth as it is in heaven]
Come your kingdom [on earth as it is in heaven]
Be done your will, on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil [evil-one].
Our Father in heaven
Hallowed be your name [on earth as it is in heaven]
Come your kingdom [on earth as it is in heaven]
Be done your will, on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil [evil-one].
Daily bread... forgiveness... deliverance...
The subject of paper numero dos.
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