Tuesday, October 18, 2005

school... enough said!

I brought it onto myself.


I chose it.



I'm so not use to studying... reading... keeping up with assignments... so far behind! And this ain't no Mickey Mouse club no more! When you got 500 pages of reading due, you can't just read that in a week.. I'm learning...

So tired too.

I do love being in classes though. Love the interaction... the learning... being blown away.... having classmates cry in class every week because of new revelation and the Holy Spirit just touching the lives of people... I did miss school, my two years away. Love that learning environment! Not self-disciplined enough to study on my own...

Less than a week before I leave for Ottawa... I just want to be able to really prepare for Ottawa, but I'm playing catch up with homework!

God gave me a funny picture tonight. Pictured nailing homework, assignments to the cross... and then I got the word "It is finished!" The words Jesus said when he died on the cross... So it's conforting to know that my assignments will end...and that He will help me carry!

Ok, enough procrastinating. Sipping my Brandy Spice tea from Sri Lanka...

1 comment:

kerche said...

Just swinging by! I don't even see you anymore. Aiya.
May the H.S. be with you and the team as you invade Ottawa. GO!! :)