Wednesday, December 20, 2006

bloody gifts

"It's in you to give"

"Give the gift of life"

For years I have heard these catchy slogans of the copywriters of Canadian Blood Services and other donor services. However, I have not been motivated enough to dial the 1-888 number. Great intentions, but sometimes, intentions are powerless, no matter how noble they may be.

This year we're doing it. Jewls and I have made the appointment for next week because we've been meaning to hang out for weeks. This was our idea of getting together to chill.

And they give you juice and cookies! :p

I figured, my parents fed me well growing up (you need to be over 110 lbs, no problemo!), I'm healthy, and not squeemish with blood so why not?

A great Christmas gift for three people. The lady on the other end of the phone ended the conversation with "You'll be saving three lives this Christmas."



My gift giving and gift buying skills may suck, but perhaps this Christmas I can save a few lives.

And maybe you can too.

A simple phone call and one hour of your time can extend and save the life of three. The multiplication factors are astronomical! Imagine that a young child on their death bed receives your blood... granting him/her 70 years more life!? It's amazing really.

1-888-2-DONATE (1-888-236-6283