Wednesday, December 20, 2006
bloody gifts
"Give the gift of life"
For years I have heard these catchy slogans of the copywriters of Canadian Blood Services and other donor services. However, I have not been motivated enough to dial the 1-888 number. Great intentions, but sometimes, intentions are powerless, no matter how noble they may be.
This year we're doing it. Jewls and I have made the appointment for next week because we've been meaning to hang out for weeks. This was our idea of getting together to chill.
And they give you juice and cookies! :p
I figured, my parents fed me well growing up (you need to be over 110 lbs, no problemo!), I'm healthy, and not squeemish with blood so why not?
A great Christmas gift for three people. The lady on the other end of the phone ended the conversation with "You'll be saving three lives this Christmas."
My gift giving and gift buying skills may suck, but perhaps this Christmas I can save a few lives.
And maybe you can too.
A simple phone call and one hour of your time can extend and save the life of three. The multiplication factors are astronomical! Imagine that a young child on their death bed receives your blood... granting him/her 70 years more life!? It's amazing really.
1-888-2-DONATE (1-888-236-6283)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
be a citizen.
It won't change the world, but it might bring a smile to a child's face.
Take part in the Samaritan's Purse--Operation Christmas Child. You've got about 10 more days to engage in a bit of humanitarianism. All it takes is a trip to the dollar store + 7 bucks shipping and you're set to go.
Several years ago, I told a high school friend about this and she thought it was one of the neatest ideas around. Despite being a religious organization, my friends aren't Christians yet every year this one frirend organizes our high school group to fill two shoeboxes, while she herself fills about five. Our goal is to make our "kids" the envy of all the other kids(!)... or they might be the one that is beaten up for all the spankin' good toys... oops. Anyhow, we ensure that their box is brimming with goodies... the least we can do.
While in India last year, something caught my eye. The pastors li'l girl was playing with some toys contained in a little box...

Two things struck me.
- It really does get to the people who need it. For this li'l girl, it was the only these were the only "kid-toys" in the house... unless of course you count rope, bottles and other knicknacks that become "toys" in the two-thirds world.
- I was in the part of the world where these boxes are delivered! Amongst the poor of the poor.

So I encourage you this day... to take a trip to your dollar store and to Safeway (that's the drop off center and also the place to grab shoeboxes if you need).
Participate in simple social action and become a contributing citizen of our great nation of Canada.
The children of the world thank you.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
new addiction
I signed up for a fantasy hockey league.
Never did before, but in my current disillusionment with the 'nucks I'm revolting and starting my own team!
I scored the draft in that I'm drafting first. Did all my "prep work" and ordered my picks, so hopefully we'll stay healthy through the season.
The draft starts in 2.5 hours. I'll be glued to the computer.
Signing off for now.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
christians are like...
Yep. That's what my prof with a doctorate said on the first day of class.
Like manure, Christians bunched together in a mound isn't maximizing its purpose, but if you spread it around, it fertilizes the ground!
I recalled this as I drove through cow-dung-smelling Langley today...
Saturday, September 23, 2006
before i croak...
1. skydive $234+$95 for video...
2. jeep it thru the safari's in Africa, visit the villages in Peru, ride a sheep in NZ, photograph the cathedrals in Europe, sleep in an igloo in the North and roadtrip from NFL to BC taking travel applicants now--who wants to come with me?
3. take a university course for free after 65 yay free learning!
4. preach in Chinese yup. learn all those big words...
5. write a book definitely a shelaine-esque book
6. own a home to decorate anybody care to buy me one? or else i'll be taking over my brother's home... right?
7. be the creative geniuses behind a documentary no aspirations for hollywood here!
8. start a company/business/or organization nothing corporate, no worries
9. have famous friends... that means YOU need to become famous, k?
10. all that "life stage" stuff blah blah... get married, have kids, watch the grand-kids, have wheelchair races down the hallway of Villa Cathay Care Home... i can take you all down!
Anyone wanna help me?
Uh... as for número diez, don't help. Hah!
heady theories
No, it's not from wrestling the ins and outs of theology.
But I've been getting some massive headaches the last little while. I've got a long history with 'em though. In grade 12 I use to get 'em everyday and be "forced" to sleep after school. Or I'd go into the car during church and lay there clutching this head of mine.
Back then it was stress or something like that.
What is it now?
Here are some of my theories:
Hair. Too much of it. I think I need a haircut to reduce the weight on my head! Darn, it didn't help.
Caffeine. Tea and not enough water? I don't drink water thus, I can't eliminate the tea from my body. Ugh.
Dropped. I was dropped on the head a few too many times as a child.
Mouthy-ness. As a kid, I was often decked by my elders for saying the "wrong" thing at the inappropriate times. Ok ok, that wasn't just when I was a kid...
Sunday, September 10, 2006
not so wild
but Jenn and I got rejected. We made through three rounds of interviews, but not the final cut.
For what? To be on a reality tv-show called Wild At Heart, filmed by the Knowledge Network. It's showcasing people doing adventures in BC Parks. Roughing it for five real no washroom, no outhouses, type camping, and then going for an outdoor adventure. Our episode would have been rock-climbing!
Well, it was a neat experience anyhow. Filling out an application, being called by the screening lady, sending in a photo, thinking we didn't make it through... but being called five months later by the producer lady, going for a face-to-face interview--drinking some nice tea, then getting a rejection email.
Well, maybe next time.
So which television show wants my lovely face?
Saturday, September 02, 2006
summer is ova...
Here's a run-down...
10 summer things to do...
1. skim-boarding
I like to say I did. Well, I tried once. Didn't do very well, but at least I tried it. Jane? I need some help... preferably before my knees can't bend ;)
2. have a real non Chinese-style picnic
I DID! Hung out with some Gladstoners and chilled and ate at the park...
3. get one shade darker...
I'd like to think I got two shades darker... I kinda miss my pastey skin... I think I've got a perma-tan from Sri Lanka last year. Cos it's still there! I musta roasted eh?
4. travel somewhere to stay overnight at least once
Yep. Portland, Whistler, Manning Park, chez Lo's
5. camping [yes i'll brave the elements and rough it; be a real hick]
YEEES. Got rained out, but tried one night!
6. afternoon tea-ing
Yep! Went to Secret Garden... where I threw up on the side of the road...
7. make a friend [like meet a new friend, not create a friend...haha?]
I'd like to think I made a few friends actually. Yah me!
8. read one non-course book [hey, that's quite the task for me k? I'm not an academic.. =)]
I've started some Coupland books... started.
9. strum strum
Started, gained some momentum... then dropped it like a hot potatoe! Gotta pick that up again...
10. put on contacts
Yay! After 3 years and bottles of expired solution, I got 'em in just in time for the wedding!
Well there it is. I think I did pretty well. It's been a different kind of summer. Lots of chillaxing; nothing very productive but I still feel good about it.
But that season's come to an end and it's time to refocus. I'm stoked for fall and what may land.
I'm back.
Not the same, however, more ME than ever.
Thank God for seasons.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Is this where the MTV generation is going?
So I read an article recently that spoke of this kid... a 49 year old, who just created a videogame about being homeless, supposedly teaching kids to about social issues.
I went to the website and played the game. I'm not sure...
Another example of the commodification of a real need?
Are we too "scared" to get the real experience of walking the streets of East Hastings, handing out food and actually, get this, interact with the homeless?
There was actually a conference designed to help tackle/discuss the issue too: Games for Change Conference.
It's a nice attempt but...
Ai... Don't get me started...
comfort foods (Chinese-style)
Everytime I come home from a trip, mum makes me "gai lan" or what it is sometimes called "chinese broccoli." I'm not sure how it's called that, because it doesn't have flower heads like the "english broccoli!"
Anyhow... that's my fav veggie. Yum.
And then, there's congee (rice porridge--no really, it really is good)... I usually get that soon after too.
Why do I get these "specific" foods?
Because when I come home from being out-of-town... usually...
1) I didn't eat enough veggies and,
2) I'm nearing sick! Yep, my "hot and cold" gets out of whack...
Everytime I return, I have a sore throat of a sort! Blech!
Friday, August 04, 2006
blank slate
A friendly reminder that a fresh start is just over the horizon.
Something irking you?
Just watch the sunrise...
How she breaks through the black and blue...
Offering a fresh perspective, indeed.
Did you rise the sun for me? Or paint a million stars that I might know your majesty.
It gets me every time I think that someone would use the universe as a canopy to create a masterpiece so that I may know him...
I think it's time to go for a drive!
In a few days I can watch the sunrise everyday, amidst the trees and nature...
Now who said me and mother nature can't be one? There's that outdoorsy side somewhere in me, nevertheless, it's very deep, but it's there!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
august =
: candle-sticking
: reading
: coffeeing
: making legends
: sleepovers!
: reconnecting
: camping under the stars
: homeworking
: high tea-ing
: "clubbing"
: house-sitting
: watching my friend wedding-ing
: shopping with the fam
: celebrating birthday galores!
: physical activity-ing
: making plenty of friends. just friends!
: personal time out-ing
: enjoying the Sun
: watching the puzzle continue to piece together... yay
unleashing advocacy again
Reading the likes of Douglas Copeland, pop culture and social action works of art.
Taking part in advocacy for social issues and other public "stuff".
Housing the homeless, loving the unlovable, and defending the helpless...
I've allowed my brain to rust long enough... getting that advocate cap back on!
God, how do you want my August to look?
August: closing a chapter of purposeful fun and gearing up...
Game on!
'bout time!
Monday, July 24, 2006
weeding out of gardening
I'm definately a green one at it.
Some people have it planted within them, but for this gal, the seed just won't grow!
Was that corny? Didya get it? Tsk tsk. ;p
Really now, a few months back, I weeded a few sections of the garden. Crouched low and squated for hours with the sun scorching my sunscreenless face... Before this, the only weed I picked up was...uh... nevermind;p
I intended to plant my own garden this summer. People say, gardening can teach you a lot about life, right?
Ambitious, I bought a few seeds. We got tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers.
Then, the inevitable happened.
I lost interest.
It grew. Mum watered them. But the weeds grew too.
I look at them and have no desire nor ambition to weed them again.
Man... it's a drag.
Here I have my little plants... but I don't know which one's the weed and which one's the plant?
Dang weeds...
Did I learn anything about life?
No... I refuse to allow the weedy garden to teach me anything about daily maintenance... ok ok, sense the childish sarcasm...? Does this reflect my daily living... letting things slide till...
Anyhow, I did learn one thing though:
No more gardening for this chica.
I'm onto other forms of domestication.
Say, cross-dres.. I mean, cross-stitching?
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Who will put me over the top?
I have 999 unread emails in my hotmail inbox.
I'm sitting here awaiting that 1000th's email.
1796 in the inbox.
My hotmail account is for msn and for my subscription. Well, most of them. It's for my useless ones...
My gmail has my "useful" ones.
"Useful" or "useless" they receive the same treatment. They're all unread. Just that my "useful" ones have the "potential" to be read at a later date--then again the first unread "useful" email started back in June 2. We're talking 2005. It all started then...
Now my gmail has 414 unread emails.
1237 waiting to be sorted. I think I've sorted once since I opened the account.
My most used, home email account is the one I sort the most often.
Let's say we have our annual "sort" day in early January.
Meaning, I've got 2005 out of the way. Only 2006 sits in my inbox.
We have 2487 emails in my inbox... but I'm happy to report that they're all read!
Ok, that's a lie. They've all been opened.
My Arrow-work account, is quite "organized" because well, it's work! Let me check... I'd like to report that every email is read. And if it's junk mail, it gets immediately trashed.
There are... it doesn't report how many emails are in my inbox. But there are 51 pages of emails in my web outlook. Counting, it seems like there's 25 emails per pages... meaning... Hmm..
Don't roll your eyes.
All this to say I do read your email thoroughly though... ^_^
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Probably because I tried to fit into a one foot box.
Went to Science World yesterday with a friend. I've got my Passport Challenge, so I get to go to all these tourist destinations for free with a guest!
But boy oh boy, once we got in, it seemed like we were caught in a sidewalk sale at Metro--but for kids! They were running back and forth, all around. No wonder kids have short attention spans! This totally caters to the ADHD kid! So many things to try that you don't stay at one place for more than 3 minutes! Can you really learn something--'cause I don't see kids reading the sciencey blurbs...
Things I learned:
- I'm over educated. Don't have the simplicity of mind to make these things work! As we were trying to figure out this one rifle game, a line-up growing by the minute developed behind us. We couldn't understand the game!
- I can't wheel a wheelchair.
- I'm apparently very stressed.
- my attention span is perhaps only a little better than most!
- and lastly... that I can't fit into a one foot box.
I did get a bit of satisfaction for beating this one budging, bratty, think-I'm-so-cool type kid in a challenge. Hah!
Tried to complete the day with astronaut ice cream... sold out.
What a day!
It was definitely worth the price of our admission... hehe...
Monday, July 10, 2006
i love my name...
HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - A 19-year-old boy bids farewell to his weird name after nearly two decades of ridicule.
His father has agreed to change the son's name from "Fined Six Thousand and Five Hundred" - the amount he was forced to pay in local currency for ignoring Vietnam's two-child policy.
The son, now 19, is now Mai Hoang Long, which means "Golden Dragon."
Angry he was being fined for having a fifth child, Mai Xuan Can in 1987 named his son Mai Phat Sau Nghin Ruoi after the amount he was forced to pay the equivalent of 60 cents Cdn, said Dai Cuong village chief Nguyen Huy Thuong.
In 1999, local government officials tried to persuade Can to change the name because classmates constantly teased the boy at school in central Quang Nam province.
But Can, a former People's Committee official, refused to back down, Thuong said.
They appealled to him again recently, and this time it worked.
"I told him that as his son is growing up, he should have another name - not that weird name - and he finally agreed," Thuong said.
Vietnam, with a population of 83 million, applied tight family planning measures until recently to keep couples from having more than two children. Breaking the rules could have resulted in punishment. Today's policy is less stringent, though the government continues to encourage small families.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
experimente el número uno
It was birthed today while I was having a quiet little sit on my couch. Everything around me was silent. It was actually quite nice. I think I like these times of stillness--where it appears that my heart is moving faster than the world around me. In these times, I wait for truth to set,my heart to settle and the peace of God to anchor my soul. It's actually really nice.
Maybe I'll tell you how this first experiment went; just maybe you'll find yourself privileged enough to know =)
Bless you,
it's time to move
The last few days have been great. I loved waking up to sunshine. I'd wake up at ungodly hours of 6 or 7 am to begin my day and feel well-rested even if it was just one-hand worth of sleep. The sun would greet me with smiles as she shines so brightly in my room, which faces east.
So I think I need to move.
To where the sun always shines.
Maybe to Florida, where I can see 'tuzzi, or to Phoenix where Jovo is =)
Or maybe... [TBA...] =)
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
thankin' ten
S'more things I am thankful for:
1. Mail that ain't no bills... thanks again Kerche.
2. Prayer that can happen anytime of day or night.
3. Calloused fingertips... thanks Cars.
4. The sun... I love it... even if I don't go out in it... it still is good.
"Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry..." Who can be angry with the sun shining so bright?
5. Twenty-four hours in a day and no less.
6. Canada, she turns 139 on Saturday. yes, bradley, thank you...
7. The magic number 7... my jeans which make me appear "in style" and all bling-ed.
8. Inspiring friends who remind me that life on earth is miniscule to eternity.
9. Edible art... love eating beautiful looking food. Makes eating so much more entertaining and always gives something to look forward to.
10. Sports. Yea, that's right, Real Sports.
I walk out, to find the oddest thing: my mum and my brother, both nicely relaxed, eating dessert while watching Chinese soaps!
Something didn't seem right here.
Me "slaving" away, washing dishes...
While my brother and mum watch Chinese soaps?
That's suppose to be me.........!
Friday, June 23, 2006
seasons change
Spring is for planting, summer is for growing, autumn is for the harvest, and winter is the time to let the soil rest.How much I love it when seasons change.
Hello Summer.
Good bye Spring.
You came, stayed for a bit... but now, really.. it was time for you to go. You just weren't as advertised.
Summer... bring it on!
Love it already. Got a sunburn from biking downtown. Stood at a corner and people-watched for a bit. Everyone's got a place to go. You ever people-watch and wonder what's their story? Where are they heading? What do they do? Maybe I'm just nosy. Maybe this is just what the unemployed do because we have too much time on their hands...
Looking forward to a great season. I'd like to think I deserve one =)
Rid the cyncism, lower the sarcasm, lose some edginess, stop the skepticism and take Summer at face value...
Motivated to enjoy.
Monday, June 19, 2006
when i feel blue...
[shale] 功課ing says: (4:01:48 PM)
kyle entertain me
kyle. says: (4:02:10 PM)
kyle. says: (4:02:26 PM)
how would you like to be entertained?
[shale] 功課ing says: (4:02:39 PM)
make me laugh
kyle. says: (4:03:01 PM)
i dont know how to make you laguh
[shale] 功課ing says: (4:03:20 PM)
i need to laugh...... kyle!
kyle. says: (4:03:53 PM)
kyle. says: (4:04:01 PM)
kyle. says: (4:04:28 PM)
i love you shelaine!
[shale] 功課ing says: (4:05:50 PM)
Kyle is my li'l cousin, who always knows how to cheer this cousin up
Sunday, June 18, 2006
summer lists
1. skim-boarding
2. have a real non Chinese-style picnic
3. get one shade darker...
4. travel somewhere to stay overnight at least once
5. camping [yes i'll brave the elements and rough it; be a real hick]
6. afternoon tea-ing
7. make a friend [like meet a new friend, not create a friend...haha?]
8. read one non-course book [hey, that's quite the task for me k? I'm not an academic.. =)]
9. strum strum
10. [blank... tba]
Thursday, June 15, 2006
i wish i was...
Age is really creeping up to me... 25 and no turning back.
Was thinking. Around this time last year, I was
... having quite the adventures in India. And the year before that, I was
... sitting in an office designing little logos. And the year before that, I was
... finishing up my last classes to graduate and having quite the encounter with Christ, leading to my desire to be in ministry--wow, gotta hold onto that. And the year before that, I was
... sitting in classes, trying to bulldoze my way through the remaining years of uni. And the year before that, I was
... in Thailand and China, eating and eating! And the year before that, I was
... typing in Amex cards for Costco, getting reading to go to HK. And the year before that, I was
... watching the front at Sportshall, bored but happy to have a job. And the year before that, I was
... just finished provincials and a newly minted graduate of high school. And the year before that, I was
... about to kill my summer in Socials 11 summer school where we all (typical Chinese) registered the first day of open registration so that we would be in the same class. There ended up being 25/28 students from Killarney and all of us were chinese girls and we were friends. The pros: being in class with all your buddies. The cons: being in class with the smartest kids in school [appropriately named the "four point oh group."] which means I was at the bottom of the grading scale. That was also the year I was introduced to internet for the first time and I discovered online "Christian" chat rooms... And the year before that, I was
... 15 and wishing I was older--an adult. What was I on?!
Three posts in three days. Not bad eh?
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
stolen posts
Three things I'm thankful for:
1. "Sanity" friends [Nattie, Bren, Jo] that allow me to release some form of verbal diarrhea and always know how to "wipe it up" =) [this is a chu-style image]
2. People [Andrew, Liz, Julie] who said to me today, I was just thinking about you the other day...
3. My life, which is thankfully, more exciting than watching paint dry =)
and here's one more as a bonus for reading:
4. E-coli-free food. No one died from tonight's dinner that I cooked: Garlic lamb steaks, brocolli and rice souflé, and strawberry apple pecan salad. Yum. Props to the Leongs, the cousins and a thoughtful "chuchingching" who brought cakes and good conversations.
And there you have it.
The first edition of "three things I'm thankful for" © Jane O.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
bloggin' 'bout bloggin'
What do people blog about? Yes, this entire post is dedicated to what people blog about. I actually know someone who has dedicated their entire Honours project to blogging. Yep, communications honours project. Boy I love my degree!
Why do people blog? I s'pose it's used as an outlet to air out your grievances to the world.
I wish I had the brainlessness to tell everyone what I'm thinking about. But there probably are too many repercussion... what do you think?
Let's try.
Right now, what's in my head are ringing cell phones. Nowadays, I always hear my cell phone ring, but it's not ringing. Yeah I know, pathetic. It's like I have this ringing in my head... crap. I'm hearing things.
Try again.
Thinking about my head. I've got a major headache. Had one most of the day. Life's a fickle one!
Really, I have nothing to say. After a month, I couldn't come up with anything better than that... but if you could see my "drafts"... I've started a lot..! Really!
Sorry audience, no juice.
Friday, May 12, 2006
happy one year
We've grown up quite a bit on this online journal. Ups, downs, different countries, different cities, moody days and upbeat days.
You, cyberspace, has seen it all
...but nothing beats the liveshow. It's more entertaining in person.
Still an advocate for real-time face-to-face communication.
Go and meet up with a friend,
Thursday, April 13, 2006
the son will rise
I was sitting.. no, that's a lie... I was sleeping in a cubicle in the school library about two weeks ago. The sun was shining through the window... the perfect atmosphere for a nice afternoon nap.
I fell asleep reading the Bible--now who hasn't done that?
Anyway, I had a dream and in that dream, I remember I was walking and talking to someone when they assured me that, "Everything can change in a day." After he said that I remember standing there, stunned, thinking, "Everything can change in a day."
At that moment [in my dream], I remembered that before I fell asleep, I was reading the Bible... and I was reading the end of Mark which talked about Jesus' death and resurrection... "Everything can change in a day" echoed in my head again.
Everything did change in a day.
On the day Christ rose from the dead, everything changed; history changed forever.
Perhaps this weekend, on your statuary holiday, it'd be a good time to consider why on earth you get a day off of work/school?
If you feel you've been dealt a bad hand, or things are crapola, know that the sun will still rise tomorrow, and everything can change in day...
May it be hope to your soul, life to your being and joy to your spirit,
And with that, I embark on a disappearance act. Later gators,
Friday, April 07, 2006
Lord, help me to understand the seasons and the times--especially when it doesn't make sense to me. Help me to let go in order to take hold... Help me to forgive in order to love. Grant me understanding when I don't agree. Let the words of this song still resonnate in my heart. Let me not grow cold nor hard. I want to be free again. Layin' all down, paying the cost and being led by You... no matter how high the waves are. Let me be captivated by Your vision and Your heart again. Grant me eyes to see...
A song I learned 7 yrs ago, yet everytime I feel I need to surrender, the chorus comes to mind... and more the last little while... So I'm resurrecting this song! May it be a prayer to you as well. Bless you abundantly,
i see a vision of a generation getting lost in you
hands raised high, with one voice they cry to a holy god
i once was blind, but now i see your love for me
i see a vision of a generation crying out to you
i see a vision of a generation bowed down before you
on our knees, Lord have mercy for we have sinned
come wash us clean, we long to see your glory, your glory
so take my life, i'm giving it all to you
whatever you want me to do, i'm gonna follow you
my mind's made up, i'm gonna pay the cost
just to see salvation of the lost
jesus is coming again, he's coming again
jesus is coming again, he's coming again
i see a vision of a generation sold out for you
i see a vision of a generation that would die for you
refiner's fire is our heart's desire to be like you
as we decrease, Lord you will increase, hallelujah, hallelujah
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
inheritance from the 'rents
I'm already thinking about my inheritance!
My inheritance from my parents!
No, not that kind...
As a child, I use to think it was the drawer of life-time guarantee Tupperware that we have. It probably still is... but aside from that, what else is my inheritance?
From my granny, I remember writing her Tribute at her funeral and saying persistence and persevering prayer is from my granny... and grandpa for that matter... they were truly intercessors!
As a child, I'd come into the house running up the stairs loudly, yelling "mama" [granny in Chinese] only to find granny kneeling at her bedside in fervent prayer.
Many times we thought granny had fallen asleep or died while praying for her meal.
We'd have to look to see if she was still breathing... granny was just praying! She'd soon look up, flash us her teethless smile and then eat! [aw, I love my granny! Miss her tons, but she's got her teeth back and she's dancin' up a storm in heaven with gramps]
From my mum, gotta say hospitality. Even though it's not one of my "gifts," I know how the ins and outs of feeding the hundreds and "small" parties. Growing up, it was great. Dad invited lots of people over, as he was very social. And mum cooked, served, and loved being hospitible to people! I use to say that watching her makes me tired... but now I'm learning that it's something that she loves and it gives her energy and makes her happy.
It works out great, because good food makes me happy too! That's why we're a family! Mum feeds, I eat!
From dad, gotta say I got his wit and quick words. Hehe... We're fast thinkers and can make almost anyone laugh. We can twist things and contort words to please a crowd.
Perhaps we're bad at arguments [we don't have much of a point nor are we clear], but we are good conversationally. We can "play-argue" for hours without a point. It's rather humorous from others point of view. Then he has to give me a hug because he can't help but laugh too.
And oh, my unsurmountable beauty comes from neither side.. it was divine.
Ha =)
What's your inheritance?
Thursday, March 30, 2006
i think i'm pretty funny :)
"Yes.. but eat the ugly ones!!" Mom exclaims with a sense of fear...
"Yes, I know mom...! I've been in this business as long as you have."
Mom's been catering for a very long time.. and as long as I've been alive, I've been picking at the good food she makes! :)
[pat on back] Good job Shelaine! Love making mum laugh!
[today you are honoured for "two for the price of one"... Two posts for the price of one admission... well I hope you don't think it "cost" you that much time to visit me! hehe]
the simpson's rant...
Dr. Hibbert: I'm afraid your playing days are over my friend, but don't worry, you can fall back on your degree in--Communications? Oh dear Lord!
Luchenko: Da I know I know it phony major. Luchenko lean nothing, nothing!
...can't enjoy a cup of Starbucks, or shop at Walmart.
...don't dare buy anything with tags of "Made in _____" anywhere outside of the western world.
...endorse Buy Nothing Day.
...spend our freetime culturejamming.
...side with Michael Moore, our hero.
...believe 2010 is baaaaad news. No Expo 86 deja vu pleez.
Adbusters. Enough said.
...rant on the commodification of culture.
...protest as a hobby... or lifestyle?
We are cynical, sarcastic and completely jaded.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
rediscovering the new
Anyhow... I'm back to rediscovering newness--which I can say is a core part of me. Y'know, when you're not operating in what is so much a part of you, you feel like something's missing.
Perhaps that's why I love traveling so much. The new adventures. The newness of everyday that is so different from the drab of the normal routines.
I love to try things least. Perhaps it was drilled into me as a child. Dad always said to give it a try. If you don't like it, then at least you tried. Which led to a series of hobbies and interest that I ended up quitting... In context, dad was talking about food. But I decided to use his words of wisdom for all of my life... ;)
Last week my uni-friends "opened me up" to the world that was always there. They like to take this sheltered "kid" out for experience "life." They wanted to witness the first time I tried it. They wanted to be a part of that childlikeness in me when I experience "life."
They took me to this tapas restaurant that I've heard so much about yet never tried!
[what did you expect me to say?]
[yes I know, it's only a restaurant...]
But it was sooooo goooood. Yum. Our last dish was so pretty, we didn't want to dig in. How could you wreck art? It was colourful... and it tasted great too! And you know what the best part was? It was cheap! Like I paid... twelve bucks and I was stuffed and satisfied!
I was super excited so I talked to Bren about it later on and of course, she's like "oh yeah... you should try..." Suggested a bunch of other places to go to.
I'm all in for the hole-in-the-wall mom and pop type restaurants, but this was mainstream trendy.. and I actually like it!
Now I've got this growing list of places to go for tea, for tapas, for good eats, for ethnic foods... yep yep. [note to self: exercise!]
Of course I'm broke too... so I need to tone it down on this restaurant trying... But sometimes, you just need to treat yourself out for a night of good eats, y'know?
Sometimes, just sometimes, you need to say to yourself that you deserve it.
A beautiful meal can brighten up a dreary day.
Mine was a testament to that! [In any case maybe I should be going out every night...! a bit of healthy cynicism =) ]
Or maybe it was good company... anyhow, I'll stick to my beliefs that
a beautiful meal can brighten up a dreary day.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
creston reflections
Feeling a little bit different..
Looking about 5 lbs heavier..
It was a great trip though. Exactly what I needed. Coming home is always hard for me. Back to a reality that is well... real.
There's lots that happened in Creston... you'll just have to book a personal appointment time and take me out for lunch to hear it all though. God did some crazee amazing stuff. Witnessed some amazing testimonies of physical healing, heard crazee stories of what God is doing in a Guatemala, and preached the Sunday I was there too! God gave me a picture of the "spiritual fabric" of the town and I was able to pray into that as well!
As for the "healing" that took place... God continued that work of inner healing in my life by allowing me to talk to "older women" who gave insight in into my life.
My Chinese-ness was reaffirmed in this small town of 5000 people because...
1) no one understood my Chinese jokes... told some joke about why the Chinese can't play hockey... and my friends didn't know whether or not to laugh because it was poking fun at Chinese culture...
2) I only had one language to express myself
3) community kids came up to me and said "in Canada we do this..."
4) I had "yeet hay" (sore throat) from the day I arrived until...well... I left!
5) small town Chinese food just doesn't cut it. The deep fried chicken balls, deep fried shrimp, spring rolls (fried...)...
I learned that...
1) God can still use me despite my... mmm... my lacking and not feeling "in the zone." I guess that's when you know it's really Him.
2) I'm called to the Chinese. After spending time with the community kids, you all will believe you are too =) hehe...
3) I need to embrace His favour on me...
4) I have a family there that loves me and tells me that everytime I see them. Thanks... I needed some pastey lovin' =)
5) I've changed. From 5 years ago... from 1 year ago... from last month... heck, even from last week!
One of the most blessed things was watching Natalie (my roomie) lead worship. She led worship that Sunday and I preached. It was the oddest thing for both of us. It's also a testament to what God is and has done in our lives.
We were the quieter ones in our group of "hell-raisers" at Bible College. We were the ones that were never written up for disobeying the rules... until the last week of college where we were almost kicked out of school...
Let the poor say, "I am rich"
Let the blind say, "I can see"
It's what the Lord has done in me
We're both in difficult places in life, but in our weaknesses, God was magnified! I am humbled. I could have fallen off the wagon a few times the last little while... but He was merciful on my life... Heck, even I would have given up on me!
Thank you Lord for you sustaining grace. I pray that I will always be a reflection of your goodness, your faithfulness, your love and your life.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
creston... 1hr ahead of vancity
And she really has a desire to see the Bountiful but it just hasn't happened yet( maybe because they would shoot us for stepping on their property)haha. Because then we took her over the Salmo Creston Summit to Trail and that was a treat and a half and then she got to visit the Trail Hospital the excitement... The Smelter is really what did it for her. Also the Snow it was huge mounds of Snow banks it was shocking for me to! Then today was a day of Healing and thats all I will say Shelaine has certainly hung out with a lot of older people since being here.... But just ask her about her healing... She would love to tell you. So ya then we took her to real Chinese food ya do you believe it in a small town real chinese food..
And so i continue to name all the people that she has met here Dee the hairstylist, Lizzie the older woman and Carey and Carey and of course Wes, ask her about Wes thats all I gotta say haha....
All this to say I love her she is Great! Keep on encouraging my friend okay love ya...
this is Dee.. the above mentioned hairstylist.... (i was the one who got to straighten miss shelaines hair... yes i know her hair is already straight... well.. i decided after that to curl it! UMMMM ask to see the picture...) So anyways... shelaine and i became fast friends.. maybe it was because we bonded over 'both' being left waiting at the airport by natalie.. who knows really! its been quite the slice hanging out with her and i'm glad we've met...
Saturday, March 11, 2006
the new shelaine
"We have a new nickname for her, actually..." says one of my friends.
"What is it?" I ask curiously...
"Sorry, but please don't get offended or anything..."
"Uh... ok..." I say, wondering what could it be? An attack on my faith? Slander to the name of God?
"We call her 'the new-Shelaine...'"
"Well, we see you more than her now!"
Haha.. man... this is attributed to the fact that 90% of the time they asked me to go out the last few years, I'd say no because I'd be busy...which I really was!
The last few months, I've been chillin' with this uni-crew and just laughin' so much! Boy is it good to laugh :)
My stomach muscles thank you.
Looking forward to road trippin', campin',
and Malaysia :)
Friday, March 10, 2006
I'm writing a paper right now about Buddhism. In two days, I have spent about seven hours at the temple. Chatting it up with Buddhist, hearing their stories and their beliefs. I've found many similarities in both our beliefs and problems in our faiths--I never thought that I could find so many connecting points. Some things can actually make sense.
I can see how enticing it could be for one to believe in this "way of life." I am already wrestling with a many issues that would allow for the temple community and people to appeal greatly. If I was in a place of complete disillusionment with my own faith, needed to make sense of some things, or looking for purpose, I could see myself being swayed... I have a greater understanding of the attraction to Buddhism.
You see, a lot of it is about timing. You can look at your own life and see how, perhaps, God revealed himself to you at the perfect time. Or you stepped into church at that divine time. Or you heard that speaker at that most opportune time. For the Buddhist that I met, they were going through a difficult time or where wrestling through questions, when they stepped into a temple or someone brought them to the temple--and they experienced something...peace, a indescribable feeling... something that suited them at that time.
Being available.
And at the right place at the right time.
I pray that we, bearers of Good News, be agents of perfect timing. That we could be like Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel(or whatever place/people) should do. That we would tap into what God was doing today and know when to speak and what to say to people. Who knows what could happen!
Lord, what are you doing today and how can I serve your purposes?
Monday, March 06, 2006
ok, so not entirely...
Lord prepare me for what tomorrow will bring.
One prayer springs to mind in the morning.
Lord protect my heart.
I thank God for both.
And I love the time in between... sleep :)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
i should really be doing my homework...
What are you? (It takes less than 5 minutes to do! Click on link!)
ps. thanks Jane for finding the time (from where?) to find all these (from where!?)... don't know how you do it. you are another "supermom" eh?
You Are a Prophet Soul |
You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone. Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people. Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run. No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way. You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle. Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings. A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning. You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer. Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul |
what's cookin' good lookin'?
Maybe it's coming with age... hah!
Well it's time I pay my dues and pony up for living at home :)
Take a night or two per week to cook a good meal so mum doesn't have to walk pass my lazy behind (parked in front of the television watching Chinese soaps, which she wants to watch too) after work and go straight to the kitchen.
What's on tap? Mmm.. Greek Roast Lamb? Some Thai dishes..? Man, I don't know how my mum does it. She really is "supermom!" I mean, she's got "adopted daughters" everywhere... I can think of three that just drop over, b-line it to the kitchen and look for food... or politely stay until dinner time to eat... Some of them even come in and say "Hi mom!"
Mmm... maybe I'll start tonight. No wait, I've got to leave earlier... Starting tomorrow... no wait, I can't either... mmm.. Friday! No actually... Saturday? Oh I'm going... SUNDAY! Mmm... no there's this... Monday? But I don't get home till after 6... Tuesday. I think that's doable! Tuesday it is!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
"We can cultivate an inner solitude and silence that sets us free from loneliness and fear. Loneliness is inner emptyiness. Solitude is inner fulfillment."
"One who wants fellowship without solitude plunges into the void of words and feelings, and one who seeks solitude without fellowship perishes in the abyss of vanity, self-infatuation, and despair."
"When we speak of ourselves and are filled with ourselves, we leave silence behind. When we repeat the intimate words of God that he has left within us, our silence remains intact."
Pilgramaging St. John of the Cross' Dark Night of the Soul...
"It (dark night of the soul) is an experience to be welcomed much as a sick person might welcome a surgery that promises health and well-being. The purpose of the darkness is not to punish or to afflcit us. It is to set us free."
"The dark night is one of the ways God brings us into a hush, a stillness so that he may work in inner transformation upon the soul."
"Recognize the dark night for what it is. Be grateful that God is lovingly drawing you away from every distraction so that you ccan see him clearly. Rather than chafing and fighting, become still and wait."
It's a reality that permeated my heart yesterday night and echoes again today.
Words that I needed to hear.
Thanks for speaking to me Lord... never stop...
May it find you well,
Thursday, February 23, 2006
applications wanted
Been contemplative of late... affirms that I'm not that shallow. Thankfully!
So occupied the last year I've learned that I've neglected a lot of things in life. This year I feel like I've been "disciplined" by my Father. Got to the point where I almost went monk/nun--just eliminating many things out (heck I was about to do something drastic with my hair too!).
Is it worth it--being so busy? At what cost? At whose expense? My own wholeness? The relationships around me?
Doing ministry is great. I love it. But is that where my worth is coming from? Part of the Lord's discipline is reminding me that no, my worth is because He spoke dignity into my being.
My importance may have came from being busy. Now... I'm absolutely not busy, yet I feel pretty darn good. Slowly pieces are being placed back in my life.
I understand that, it's a season for me because I can't live like this for the rest of my life :p Well, unless the Lord really calls me to and enables me to...
Right now, it's kind of like something is brewing deep within... or for you sciencey people, potential energy is being accumulated for some kinetic energy to be released soon.
Learning to enjoy the journey.
That being said. I think I need to go out now. A friend told me that I'm suppose to meet five new people every week...
Now where do I find five new friends every week???
Looking for friends. Apply within.
Friday, February 17, 2006
video games beneficial...
Anyway, I was behind a recylcing truck when I was at the height of my agitation...
a 4 litre empty milk jug came straight at my car...!
I had to swerve.
What the!?!?
Just as I got back into the lane, another jug came at me...
I swerved again!
Oh my word!
Then another jug...!
For the next five minutes, my mind was focused on avoiding flying objects. Thankfully I was a student of arcade driving games..!
And I was laughing all the way home.
Thanks Lord for some humour injection...
You always know when I need it :)
Here's some more humour injection... I found this hilarious... but what are they saying about old people though??!?!
Drunk drivers' penalty in Taiwan: Pay fine or play mahjong with the elderly
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
top word [aren't you lucky, two posts today!]
Pronunciation: in-'te-gr&-tE
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : INCORRUPTIBILITY
2 : an unimpaired condition : SOUNDNESS
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : COMPLETENESS
synonym see HONESTY
Been thinking a lot about this word the last few weeks actually. Wrote a bit about this topic for a school leadership assignment, but aside from that, to me integrity means single-mindedness. Practicing what you preach basically.
I'm learning the value of meaning what you say and saying what you mean.
the room of encouragement
In Bible College, my room was called "the room of encouragement." Natalie and I were the "encouragers" and we were roommates as well. Our room was always filled with people who wanted to hang out or people who needed a bit of "pick-me-ups."
That was almost six years ago...
Now, the lesson's a little deeper...
Learning lots about the value of appreciation.
What a blessing it is to find the thing that would make someone smile and do it.
What a blessing it is to be on the recipient side of receiving a word an act of gratitude.
I don't do this enough. Through words or actions. I just don't. But I'm learning to...
It's about opening the gates and allowing words of life to escape the heart and out through the mouth to bless another person.
If I haven't told you before... I appreciate you. I really do.
I'm saying this based on the fact that I actually know you :)
Maybe it's your smile, maybe it's the quality time spent, maybe it's the gifts you give me, maybe it's the tears shed, maybe it's how you treat others, maybe it's your laughter, maybe it's your "niceness..."
And maybe, just maybe, I'm just beginning to see you the way God sees you.
I appreciate you. You being you.
Monday, February 13, 2006
you've got...
Yep. Mum just said that to me a few nights ago. Just like mum to tell it to me straight up. Tell it like it is.
I looked in the mirror yesterday and was like "Shelaine, you lookin' bad..."
I think I need a makeover... or something! Help? Someone?
Gotta inject some life back into my face :)
That little "group" that sang that song at my party about wrinkles... it's true... I'm 25 and getting wrinkles. Bah humbug!
Time to take care of myself again.
I was feeling refreshed and good coming home in the summer. Bright-eyed and eyebag-free... Now that the sun is shining, I think me needs to have some sun-time.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
why wait?
"Psalm 40 tells us that we need to wait and wait and wait as we lament in prayer. For it is in waiting that we permit God the freedom to respond according to His perfect timing and relinquish our desires to take situations into our own hands; in waiting, we look forward to being lifted up from the sinking ground of despair; in waiting, our faith and hope in God is srengthened and formed to His liking; in waiting, our vitality is reawakened, refreshed, and reinvigorated; and in waiting, we enter into thanksgiving in our prayers."
Does this speak to you?
This young theologian is taking donations to pay for his schooling...
Cheques can be sent to my house...
I live with this "young theologian" too!
Props to you, my bro! There's lots I can learn from you... which is precisely why I need to get back to my homework :)
Sunday, February 05, 2006
ginger vinegar
Yes I have weird tastes.
Ever since I was little and family friends were popping out babies, I'd wait for the time when they call us over to eat "ginger vinegar."
Not many kids like it.. but this one does!
It's like this pig's feet, eggs, and ginger in this black vinegar "sauce"... it can be left for like, months and it's suppose to be good for the mom who just had a baby.
Anyways, my auntie brought over two more pots of this stuff (we already had one) because my cousin just had a baby girl about a month ago. Not sure if I'm more excited about eating the pig's feet and eggs or about the baby girl...
Although, I haven't seen her yet... but I've eaten plenty of the fatty pig's feet!
Am I the only one that has "weird tastes" here???
concert of hope
One girl said "God healed our hearts. And He gave us peace."
Such a simple truth, yet somehow after being "churched" for too long, we forget it. It's simple, really. God heals hearts and restores it with peace.
Three of the kids stayed at my house for two days. So much fun just chatting and eating... three other boys came over and the six of them put on a show for me at my house.
At the concert I found out what the three boys wanted to be when they grew up.
Douglas, age 9, wants to be a Policeman
Michael, age 9, wants to be a Taxi-driver... yes a taxi-driver!
Yes... in my home represented ambitions to affect all realms of Ugandan society.
These Watoto kids (about 1300 kids in total) are truly the future of Uganda. It makes me wonder what it will look like in say, 10 years... the nation will truly be a changed as each of these children become men and women of godly character, high morality, and leaders of the country and the African continent.
The kids really smile. Like really. Not fake ones.. because even their EYES smile! Here are some pics... I have some more on my camera - but since it's film, I need to take 20 more pics before I develop it! :)
After watching them for two days, I'm encouraged and wanting to SMILE more too... A few of us were sayin, we're put to shame because we don't smile enough!
It's their first time in Canada... or outside of their country. Last week they rode an escalator for the first time... and also an elevator. Freaked them out eh! We take a lot for granted...