Thursday, June 30, 2005

hello all

Sorry for the lack of updates…it's been pretty busy here and getting adjusted and all. I'm Hmm… where did I leave off last time? Oh yah… the crazee bus ride…hmm… Yes, so we made it to Dharamsala safely.. prayed over that city.. then took a bus to Amrista – Golden Temple…. Took a 6 hr local bus that was basically a bc transit bus (the worst one they have), and taking that to Kelowna and stopping at every city inbetween… oh, and instead of flat land, it'd be going around the mountains. Can you imagine that? Well I almost threw up…. I said ALMOST.. I just kept on imagining how I could stop this bus and stick my head out the door… or stick my head out the window.

Anyways, all is well though.. We went to Haridwar after that… did everything we shouldn't do – dip our feet into the Ganges (I wanted to take the water home so badly!), and then hop into a car of a guy that just stopped and offered us a ride… tinted windows and all….

Don't worry… we're not totally loopy… but God sent angels our way and it is A-OK.

We are in Hyderabad right now.. teaching English, Communications and Worship/Music. Just had such an anointed time in chapel this morning.. where we talked about desperation…

God has been good. Despite getting sick and all.. God is good. I have a chest cold right now and Esther had some stomach problems earlier.. but He is FAITHFUL.. up until the very end…!

Ray: Yes, it's me!

Justin: do I know you? I am on a missions trip in India…

Shirley: cute boys? Haha.. I'll make sure I take some more pictures just for you.

Jane: mm…get Jer to do it.. he can do everything I do J

Eric: Thanks for the correction…doh!

Kerche: it's a'ight.. have fun in Aussieland…

Jos: Uh.. email me and explain!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

exactly half

hey... i just realized something.. i'm like 12.5 hours away... so that's almost exactly half a world away!?!? craziness.

wish i could update you with stories and such, but there's just too many :)

in delhi, we were two nepali girls - they kept on thinking we're from nepal. here in dharamsala, they think we're two japanese girls...

the first day here, we sensed such a different places than delhi. everything is so very different. we walked into a kindergarten and chilled with some kids - it was precious. one girl ran up to me and grabbed my hand, even though we were only at the gate. then when we got permission to walk in, some kid ran up to me and gave me a hug. made my day...

well, gotta get back to the hotel. rest a bit, then off to the temple of the dalai lama... till next time.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

no delhi belly

hey all...
how's it goin'...
it is SOO good. God has totally ordained every step in this trip. things that didn't appear to work out has... and we've had divine appointments everywhere. like literally god-send angels to help us and other friends who we've been able to talk with. there is just so much to say.... really. each day has been really good.

it hasn't been as bad as people have told us... about the beggars and such. we expected worse and have been so blessed being here.

right now we're sitting at the Y, about to take a ricksaw to the bus depot to take a 15 hr hindu-blaring video bus. yay...


schedule wise, we're gonna be in:
10th: Dharmasala (see the Dalai Lama!)
12th: Amrista (sp!?!) - Golden Temple
13th: Haridwar - Ganges
15th: Agra - Taj
17th: Hyderabad - teachin'...

till next time. keep those emails comin' eh! :)

Sunday, June 05, 2005

sleeping with termites

so yes. we come back bome yesterday and are greeted with a few hundred termite looking thingies. yum. it took us about one hour to step on and kill. woke up with a few corps too. great. just great. but it's good prep for india where we'll meet who knows what.

anyways. church today was pretty cool. tons of people and we were sitting at the very last row... yes we walked in late. and the pastor addressed lateness in the sermon too!

well a long day indeed... so many stories to tell already.. will note them down for you all... can't write long couz we're at my cousins house and it's late............ tomorrow we head to india... please pray! it's like our trip started when we stepped onto the plane couz we've already had opportunities to "do stuff..." hahah... good nite ya'll...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

in need of grace

stepped out of the plane and a thick film of humidity slapped us in the face.... that was yesterday night.

anyways... at a 3 story penthouse right now... in HK, that's super crazee...
met Rocky - a Pakastani that can speak perfect chinese... we learned to dance the slow waltz from him in a "dance room" in the penthouse... hmm... i'm not so graceful. so pray for grace :) but apparently we're practicing for our weddings..uh... yah...

anyways, we're semi-jet lagged... but doin' a'ight. drank lotsa water on the plane so...wasn't feeling that dehydrated (happy? em and pans?)

31 degrees today... but it feels great... slowly preparing for 40 degree weather in India/SL.

okie dokes. that's it for today.... gotta run.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

oh yah...

I know some of you are wondering where the heck will we be? Here's a brief "low down" on what's what.

June 2: leave for Hong Kong
June 6: leave for New Delhi, India (arrive on the 7th at 2am... it's always that early!) - seeing the Agra, Ganges river... and other things in the surrounding area. Maybe head to Nepal?
June 18-July 6: Hyderabad, India - teaching and preaching at a bible college... and going on ministry trips to the surrounding villages
July 6: fly to Colombo, Sri Lanka
July 8-10: missions trip with a local church to the hill country in SL
July 20: leave back for Hong Kong
Aug 2: fly back to YVR

no worries...

just got up from my comfy bed. rolled around in my blankies and got up. mmm...not long enough. 3 hours? gonna miss my blankies. tattered and torn, yet it's my fav.

actually mom woke me up. to say goodbye. and to feed me medicine. i'm still having my coughing fits... yet today was the first time i've had "real medicine." yesterday night i learned a secret though... that water actually does wonders! thanks guys... i'll try to remember. every sip i take i'll think of ya.. :)

just finished packing at like bird-chirping hours. was reading travel books last night and feeling so ill-prepared. i know God will make up for incompetence and lack of knowledge... but i... it doesn't seem right... well i guess i'm creating more work for Him.. hehe...

alright time for shower power... i'll cherish the "not-hard water" feeling :)