Sorry for the lack of updates…it's been pretty busy here and getting adjusted and all. I'm Hmm… where did I leave off last time? Oh yah… the crazee bus ride…hmm… Yes, so we made it to Dharamsala safely.. prayed over that city.. then took a bus to Amrista – Golden Temple…. Took a 6 hr local bus that was basically a bc transit bus (the worst one they have), and taking that to Kelowna and stopping at every city inbetween… oh, and instead of flat land, it'd be going around the mountains. Can you imagine that? Well I almost threw up…. I said ALMOST.. I just kept on imagining how I could stop this bus and stick my head out the door… or stick my head out the window.
Anyways, all is well though.. We went to Haridwar after that… did everything we shouldn't do – dip our feet into the Ganges (I wanted to take the water home so badly!), and then hop into a car of a guy that just stopped and offered us a ride… tinted windows and all….
Don't worry… we're not totally loopy… but God sent angels our way and it is A-OK.
We are in Hyderabad right now.. teaching English, Communications and Worship/Music. Just had such an anointed time in chapel this morning.. where we talked about desperation…
God has been good. Despite getting sick and all.. God is good. I have a chest cold right now and Esther had some stomach problems earlier.. but He is FAITHFUL.. up until the very end…!
Ray: Yes, it's me!
Justin: do I know you? I am on a missions trip in India…
Shirley: cute boys? Haha.. I'll make sure I take some more pictures just for you.
Jane: mm…get Jer to do it.. he can do everything I do J
Eric: Thanks for the correction…doh!
Kerche: it's a'ight.. have fun in Aussieland…
Jos: Uh.. email me and explain!